First In, Last Out

Life gets boring without a visit to Mythaxis. For me at least.

When the editor got in touch I almost danced for joy. It had been a year since the last one.

I offered him a short story about the risks of working towards the relentless advance. I think he empathised.

First In, Last Out.

Is that a hand at the edge? Is that a person?

Addendum: although I hope you read all the stories there, I especially recommend you read Liam Baldwin’s The Lost World of WW1 and Jez Patterson’s Aye-Nay–because both of them are lovely chaps and you’ll like their stories as much as you’d like them personally, if you don’t already.

Tear Drops

I suspect that the editor of Mythaxis is feeling threatened, because two minutes after I actually sell a story somewhere else, bam, a fresh offer to publish one of my unsaleable pieces of science flash fiction appears in my in-box*. This time, enthusiastic readers can vote for their favourite story and win the author a book. I’ve always wanted a book.

I wonder what this mysterious Editor is like. I picture a Zeus-like figure, long white beard and piercing eyes. Or maybe just eye.

Anyway, submitted for your approval, a Christmas story about unassailable grief… that’s landing around Easter.

* In fact, my in-box just goes bing when I got mail. I only wish it went bam.


The headmaster of Mythaxis has again called me to his office, much like last time to reprimand me over a vaguely disturbing little piece of sf wordplay written on the toilet wall. The story is called Mindbleed, and it is about what it’s like to lose your mind. In the shuffle.

This is the third piece of mine which Mythaxis have accepted. I’m very grateful. If I was being paid for these stories, I’d really have to say that it was the only thing keeping me afloat. Instead, it just adds to my desire to continue swimming.

You can read it here, if you fancy.